A home burglary usually takes no more than eight to 10 minutes. Also, they typically occur in broad daylight between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm. Also, burglars are not looking for large items – they want small, easy to carry valuable items they can quickly hide.
As a result, it isn’t your 70” television or exercise equipment you need to focus on protecting. Instead, it is the small items you have in your home. This includes cash, guns, jewelry, power tools, medication, and small electronics. If you want to protect these items, use some of the ideas here.
Behind the Drawer
Rather than hiding your valuable items in a drawer, stash them behind a drawer. You can tape things like envelopes full of cash, jewelry, or your passport to the back of your drawer. Even if a burglar opens the drawer, they will not see anything taped to the back of it.
Inside a Potted Plant
Put your jewelry or cash in a small, water-tight container, such as a food storage container. After doing that, bury it in your potted plant.
A Spare Paint Can
If you are like some homeowners, you probably have multiple paint cans in your shed, garage, or closet. Empty and clean out one of these cans and fill it up with your valuable items. Who would even think to look in an old paint can?
In the Attic
Most burglars are not going to get into the attic – they are difficult to find and get into. As a result, this is a good place to store your valuable items.
As you can see, there are more than a few ways to keep your valuable items safe and sound and ensure they do not find your valuable items.